24 thoughts on “Roger Federer – Tennis Legend (HD)”

  1. Do you remember Fed’s match against… don’t remember the name (sorry) – he was a lucky loser and a big fan of Federer – he said he had Roger’s posters in his room. Even so he had a match point against Fed… I would like to see a video with scenes from this match in it. I thing it would be great. Just giving ideas…

    Like so everyone can see.

  2. djokovic es un jugadorsaso pero no caigamos en comparaciones absurdas roger es el maestro, es por quien el tennis ha evolucionado hace cosas en cada partido que al hacerlas todo el mundo dice ES EL MEJOR y no hay derecho a compararlo con nadie el no tiene necesidad de correr en sus partidos porque lleva cada punto a donde el quiere nadal y djokovic son muy buenos pero roger el la figura y es porquien todos los jugadores se invitan a mejorar y ver a roger esde admirar yeltenisperderiasentidosinel

  3. Bro, I am a huge Djokovic fan and I agree with all you have said. Thing is, I respect all these men for what they’ve done for the game of Tennis. I agree with the vacuum comment but only to a certain degree. Even the very best will face competition. People will rise up to compete with the best in any era.

  4. Roger Federer is talented, but also luckier than any other player among the top four players now on the tour now because he enter the tour in time of the vacuum and when Pet Sampras was on the way out.

    Djokovic is simply a better player and so is Nadal who beat Federer in 80% of the majors. Can you deny that? Djokovic also beat him in 5 out of their 6 matches. Can you argue with that?

  5. gotta love noles expression all the time after another sensational federer-shot against him


  7. I just love it when he makes a point, turns around, puts the racket into his left hand and makes a fist with the right one. Looks so good. Looks special.

  8. well, you need to have a software of which you can edit/make videos and you need to download lots of tennis videos, matches or highlights. Then you can edit everythin in your software and make your own video. But there’s a lot of work to do 🙂

  9. its just a pleasure to watch roger federer every match, every single point that roger federer plays. and i want to ask u a question, how do u guys make these vids even i want to make a vid please tell me

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